Reading List
This is a list of tech books that I’m planning to read, or have read. I’ll add more information on each book in time and I will hopefully write full fledged reviews for more books and link them from here. Feel free to comment on any book and recommend new ones!
Books to read
Sinatra: Up and Running.
The Lean Startup.
The Art of the Start.
Start Small, Stay Small.
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good. This book is advertised in the back of Land of Lisp which I read in the Ruby Rogues book club. I picked it up because it seems to have a similar crazy style as Land of Lisp which I enjoyed very much. Also some of the panelists on the Ruby Rogues episode that discussed Land of Lisp mentioned that they learnt Haskell, too. And to add to that I had tried to learn Haskell a few years ago and thought that now might be a good time to try again. I do hope that this time I’ll be able to read the whole book :)
31 Days to Build a Better Blog. This ebook on how to write a successful blog was mentioned on the Ruby Freelancers show and as I find it quite difficult to keep my blog going I hope that this will help me. After all as a freelancer I should have some kind of presence on the web …
CoffeeScript: Accelerated JavaScript Development. The CoffeeScript book by the Pragmatic Bookshelf. What more is there to say?
Eloquent Javascript. I think this book was mentioned on the JavaScript Jabber podcast. After reading a few chapters I’m not sure if that book is correct for me as I’m not a JavaScript newbie. But I think I should keep going as I’m sure I’ve forgotten quite a few basic things about JavaScript already.
Smooth CoffeeScript. An adaptation of Eloquent JavaScript for Coffee Script. And hey, it’s free!
Metaprogramming Ruby. Even though I have been doing Ruby for a long, long time I still find some bits of the language difficult. And even though Rails is these days doing less “magic” I think it’s still very important to understand these parts of the language.
The Agile Samurai. There was an episode on this book on the Pragmatic Podcast. And as I work alone, and from home books like this help me improve my development technique (I hope).
Refactoring. What’s there to say about this book? Probably on that it’s surprising that I haven’t read it, yet!
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning. The brain is a surprising thing and does work in a different way than we think. Andy Hunt tries to help you understand how to more effectively use your brain in every day development.
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks. With all these new NoSQL databases that all use completely different ideas (graph databases, eventual consistency, …) this I hopefully a great whirl-wind tour through the major ones to get an idea on what’s out there.
Get Clients Now. The first book of the Ruby Freelancers book club. It was also highly recommended more than once by every panelist on that podcast. And as a freelancer I really should beef up my marketing skills.
tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development. tmux seems to be on everybodies mind these days. I’ve used screen a little back in the day but with everyobdy raving about it I think I should check it out.
Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests. Another book from the Ruby Rogues book club. And right on track with me learning more about TDD/BDD/refactoring/…
Refactoring Ruby Edition. A specialized edition of Refactoring obviously for Ruby. As I do most of my work in that language I might check it out.
Bootstrapping Design. As a web developer I don’t have a real grasp on design. I can recognize a good design but that’s about it. Hopefully this book will help me get at least slightly better at designing my own wesites.
Modular Front-End. We’re modularizing and we’re splitting up all our backend code, but the CSS and HTML is generally a mess. Roy suggests splitting up the HTML and CSS into modular building blocks that can be easily reused. I saw his talk at Euruko 2012 and again at Rulu 2012 and I can’t wait for him expanding on his technique in book form.
The Productive Programmer. Suggested by Trevor Bramble
Books I’ve read
JavaScript Performance Rocks!.
Practices of an Agile Developer.
The Pragmatic Programmer.
Design Patterns in Ruby.
Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns.
Exceptional Ruby.
Objects on Rails.
Working with Unix Processes.
Crafting Rails Applications.
Land of Lisp. See my review here.
Eloquent Ruby. See my series of posts on this book here.